I apologize for not having posted these photos in a much more timely fashion but I took a little sojourn, traveled by car around the South of France with my mother, her boyfriend and some family friends. I discovered the beauty and simplicity of the baguette but that's a whole other blog post in itself! And heya, they let me back into the UK -- WOO HOO
So as my departure from the UK becomes more imminent, I am already getting a little nostalgic for my little Americana restaurant that could in big London town. Things seem to be picking up, and if I were to stay longer I'm sure Marlon and I would have our hands full in no time. Alas, nothing gold can stay...
ANYWAY, something that becomes more apparent during these dinner clubs is that it's not only a way for me to force feed my cooking down other people's throats, but a really good opportunity to meet people you otherwise would probably never speak to in any other public setting (well, besides, perhaps, a dinner party). This last week we had a great turnout of interesting and beautiful people, all involved in something creative and cool. I want to thank Stephanie, the food blogger and digital PR girl foremost, because well, she has a food blog! And she will write good things. And then I want to thank Marlon's friends/tutor from his Uni who at one point, were discussing paranormal metaphysics. Oh and wanna thank Jean-Baptiste, my french friend from NY who just moved here from Damascus last month. Round of applause, people
Also, this wouldn't be a complete ASS night without Marie, Marlon's other roomate, who, without fail, pops up with her mixed vodka drink and party ladies when the cake makes its appearance. Sorry y'all had to sit on the floor!
So yea, new menu up in a matter of MINUTES. Just waiting for the M-dog approval.
Please book soon. Only 4 more weekends left.

This is Marlon's other roomate Rhys. This is my hand.

This is my new and improved, fluffier Red Velvet Cake.

A dripping masterpiece (intentional)

We had so many guests, we didn't know where to put them!

this is Marie, the other roomate whos main sustenance is bottled Smirnoff Ice

if i have to hear this album one more time....